Please allow up to 10 business days for your return parcel to reach our warehouse and be processed by our Returns team.
You will receive an email from Australia Post once it arrives at the warehouse and another email from us once your refund has been actioned. Kindly allow additional delivery and processing time during sales and promotional periods.
Please be sure to take note of your Return Tracking Number so you can track the progress of your return HERE. If you require further assistance with your return, please contact our Customer Care team for help HERE.
You can keep up to date on any delivery delays HERE.
Processing time for Credit Card and PayPal refunds
We will process the transfer of funds immediately. Depending on your bank, it may take up to 5 business days for funds to appear in your account.
Still need help?
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Email us
Call us on 1800 441 739 (AU) / 0800 767 023 (NZ)